Cyndaquil, the fire mouse pokemon

This is cyndaquil, my first ever pokemon and the fire starter for generation two. Despite cyndaqil's title of 'fire mouse', it is based on an echidna.

Echidnas are found in Australia and New Guinea. Temperatures in such places are generally quite high, which is why I believe they are a fire type. Cyndaquil's flames resemble the spines on an echidna. Colour wise, I'm not sure abour it. I love the mix, but I think it's about the name. Cyndaquil has similar letters to the colour cyan, which is the closest way I can describe it.

The second generation of Pokemon is set in Japan. Echidnas look like hedgehogs, and hedgehogs are popular there. There are many cafes where you can pet them and enjoy a nice drink. Echidnas are not hedgehogs, but that's all I could find on any connections.

That's all for today. I love Cyndaquil, mine was a boy and the first ever pokemon I had. I now have a plush of it. What was your first starter?
