Psyduck, the duck pokemon

This is Psyduck, a generation one pokemon and well known for being a bit silly. Psyduck is based on a Platypus and is a water type that evolves into Golduck.
The typing of Psyduck makes a lot of sense, platypus live mostly in water as they are semiaquatic. Platypus are native to Australia, and do not live in the wild areas of Japan where this generation of pokemon is based. Platypus are a threatened species of mammal.

Design wise, I can see the likeness to the actual animal. Psyduck has that useful bill and webbed feet. However, the feet that psyduck walks with are webbed, and not its 'hands', in the real world platypus have both front and back feet webbed to allow easier swimming.

Thats all for now. Are you enjoying the pokemon posts? There's five posts left in this series so I hope you stay tuned!
