Emydidae family

Emydidae is a family of turtles, they tend to be smaller and live in the western hemisphere of the earth. There are 50 species in this family. Some names for these creatures are terrapins and pond turtles.

The upper shell of a member of the Emydidae have a low arched shaped shell, although some have a more domed shape to them. Shells tend to have either one or two lines that run down the sides, these are called keels. The lower shell is wide and large, a feature that helps keep their bodies in place. They have small skulls and webbed feet. All members of this family have some form of webbing as they are aquatic.

As they are a family, the eating habits are quite varied. Some are carnivores, eating fish and crustaceans. Others will eat vegatation that grows underwater or even on land. In some species, they will change from being carnivores to being herbivores if the situation calls for it, they are not picky.

This was a smaller post for now, but I working on some videos for the youtube under the same name of the blog.
See you next time,
