Golden tree frogs

This is a golden tree from El Tucuche. It is known to the scientific community as Phytotriades Auratus.

They are found in the Trinidad peaks called El cerro del Aripo and El Tucuche. They have also been found on the Paria Peninsula located in Venezuela. 

Golden tree frogs look more brown than golden, this is to help them stay hidden from potential dangers. Males can grow up to 1.1 inches while females can grow to be 1.4 inches. They have serrated teeth and some sharper ones called 'fangs', in males the fangs are larger. The reason the fangs are larger in males is because they use them to assert their terretory. They are not extremely vocal as their have their teeth for combat.

Tadpole levels are low with this type of frog, with an estimated 5-6 in each bromeliad tank. They hatch at 0.55 inches and grow to be 1.6 inches.

That's all there is for today, not much is known about them. I made a frog post because it is my grandfather's birthday and he loves frogs. I hope you enjoyed learning about the golden tree frog. See you next time.
