
These are wombats. They are marsupials native to Australia and tend to be small and muscular.

Wombats are small and round shapped creatures who dig burrows with their strong legs. They are noctornal (active at night) and crepuscular (active during dawn and twilight) but have been known to explore during cloudy days as well. Although they seem harmless, people who live near populations of wombats view them as an annoyance due to their habits. Due to their robust forms, wombats can easily destroy fencing by making holes or just going under them. Another strange feature of the wombat is that their feces are cube shaped. Not much is known as to why this is, but it is believed that they stack their feces in order to attract a mate, and the cubal shape helps with the stacking.

They are herbivores, feeding mainly on grass, seeds and roots. Their teeth resemble a rodents, having sharp incisors for biting tough plants and vegitation. The height of a wombat is about 3ft 3inches, and they weigh between 20-35kg. Wombats have a very slow metabolism, taking 8 to 14 days to complete digestion. This is helpful because they live in arid regions.

 Overall, they are cute but a bit annoying to locals. I personally think that they are very sweet looking and round. I hope that you've learnt something about these fuzzy friends today.
