My experience at a cat cafe

It was 2017 during the April half term when I went to Japan with my parents. During this trip, I went to a cat cafe! 

This cat cafe was in Shibuya, a fashion heavy part of Tokyo. The cafe was layered, an owl level downstairs and the cats upstairs. The cafe if you want to go to it was called the Bengal cats forest. I liked it so much that I got a T-shirt of the logo after we were done petting the cats. 

When you enter the cafe, you must take your shoes off and put on some slippers. As you can see in the first image above, the cats liked hiding in the shoe boxes. The floors had a fake grass layer on them instead of carpet or wood. I found that this fit with the forest/jungle aesthetic that they were going for. 

Now, it is a cafe. They was a vending machine in the corner of which my mother used. She got a cup of banana milk. I never tried it but she said it was strange but she would have it again. That’s the whole cafe part of it, there were no tables like a traditional cafe. There was, however, a bench that looped around the back wall and some chairs by the vending machine. 

On to the cats!
The cats there were all one breed. They were all Bengal cats, exotic looking and spotty. They was a cage for the cats to hide in just in case they got overwhelmed. There also was a cat tree for them to play on. I found a basket of toys and played with one of the cats for a while. I enjoyed this. All the cats got along and when I was there I saw no fights.

The cats were very friendly and happy to be around people. They dealt with young children and noisy people very well. There was a nice area for the cats to go where people could not get to them.

That's all for this post! I hope you enjoyed hearing about my trip. It was several years ago, but I hope to go again.


  1. Sounds great! I might visit it if I travel to Tokyo


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