Moving and transporting cats

Moving any animal from A to B is a stress for both the human and animal. The first thing to consider is the date of moving. If the cat gets ill days after moving, then the stress of moving could be the cause. This is because, like humans, the immune system in our four legged friends weakens when they are under a lot of stress. The date is important for weather as well, if it is a colder month add some blankets and layers in the carrier case to keep the cat extra warm and cuddled up to protect it from the chill. On the other end of the spectrum, if it is a warmer month take out all the layers and store the carrier in a cool place before putting the cat in to stop it from getting too warm.

Another thing to consider before you even start to move the cat is the condition of the animal. If the cat has had any operations lately it could be more susceptible to illness triggered by stress. This links in with considering the health of the animal, if the animal is recovering from a cold hold off moving.

After you've thought about all these things it gets to the next step, accessing how the cat is behaving the day of moving. The cat might have sensed that something is going on and be acting skittish, if it is deal with it gently, give it affection and usher it into the case rather than picking it up. Make sure that the cat is fed and hydrated before you move so that its as healthy as it can be.

When moving you need to make sure that your new house or new location is safe and cat friendly. However, it is always good to microchip your cat. There has been talk in the UK about fining those who do not microchip their cats, as there is already a legislation on the same matter regarding dogs.

Make sure that when you move the cat that the house is set up and ready to be lived in so that the cat can adapt to it without large objects moving around constantly.

I hope you've enjoyed this, it is part of my college work but I wanted to share it here too just in case anyone is planning on moving with a cat. See you next time.
