No new posts - the current state of the world and what I'm doing

These are difficult times and I, like the majority of people, have had to change and adapt. I have been staying at home and staying safe since schools in the UK were closed. I have been having a bit of a burnout recently, and haven't felt motivated to post here or anywhere really. I'm starting to get back to it with the help of my fiancee and family but times are uncertain. 2020 was going to be a big, hectic year anyway for me with moving and starting a new college in autumn.

Currently I am most active on Facebook of all things. I share posts on animals that I find and also post when I am streaming. I stream over on twitch, mainly stardew valley which is a farming game. Due to burnout I haven't streamed in a while but I'm hoping to do it again soon. If you would like to see more moving pictures, I have a youtube with some content on it. Finally, I have an instagram where I share mainly pictures of Saturn or my neighbour's cat called Elsa.

Once I get back on track I hope to put out more content to try to keep people occupied in these trying times. I hope that you are well and doing good. See you next time,
