Saturn's second birthday!


In the shop where we got Saturn, they had a clutch of baby crested geckos. All of them were hiding at the top where the lady couldn't get them, but Saturn was in some leaves watching us. When I first held her, she ran up my arm and into my hair. My dad took her out and she jumped to the floor, making a run for freedom. I knew I had met a little fighter. 

This is Saturn in her new home for the first time. She was so still compared to how she was in the shop. We got her set up the previous day, making everything ready for our new family member. I had already picked names out of course. She was so young we didn't know what gender she was. If she had been a boy Mercury was to be her name, and a girl was Venus. Notice a theme? 

As she got more use to us and being in her new house her true personality came out. She is a silly lizard, always trying to play it cool after falling. She's got nerves of steel too, not afraid of the sound of a bass as well as handling a two hour trip like a champion. Her faviourite type of music that I've been able to gather is 80's music - one time top of the pops was on and she wiggled her way up to watch the performance. Another trait of hers is curiosity, she's always trying to see what me or my fiancee are doing even if we're just watching a film on the tv. She loves watching us type as well, my guess is that she likes finger movements. 

Happy second birthday Saturn, my sweet dumb lizard.
